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Live Q+A Recording | Catch Up Here

Last night I went LIVE on my Facebook Page to discuss our 2 New Cardio Programmes PLUS any other thoughts for the start of 2023 and kicking off your New Year own a positive note. Here's a replay for those who missed it...

Questions Covered:

- What is the difference between LIIT & HIIT?

- Which programme should you choose as a total beginner?

- Is the HIIT one every day?

- Are there any live sessions?

- What programmes are launching next?

- Can you do Froga as a cooldown?

- How do I get "happy hips"?

TIP: I display question on screen as I answer so you can fast forward to the one you want easily.

Hope it helps and of course any other questions please just email and I'll be more than happy to answer :)

Keep tagging @fitwithfrank on social media as you complete you workouts so I know how you're getting on and I look forward to speaking with you all again very soon.

Let's go!


your Personal Trainer


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