As a male PT, I’ve taken on the wild ride of understanding pelvic floors, menopause, hot flushes, and hormones. Let’s just say, I’ve Googled things I never thought I’d Google, but thankfully I can now say “pelvic floor” in public without blushing - just might need to clean up my search engine history a tad 🫣😂
It’s been a FANTASTIC learning experience and being certified means I’m better equipped than ever to help my female clients with tailored training, hormonal health guidance, and even navigating the occasional hot flush during a workout too (fans at the ready).
Here’s to helping many more incredible women feel stronger, healthier, and ready to nail your goals—because nothing’s getting in the way, not even menopause! 💪
Well done Frank. Was it a bit of a surprise the weird things that can affect women of a certain age?